Traditional clothing from Bali

Traditional clothing from Bali

Traditional clothing from Bali Indonesian
Tank top is a type of clothing, such as cloth napkins body, which became the basic model form and traditional Balinese dress, both for men and women, from all kinds of ages, as well as from any caste they belong. For women of Bali, a tank top is not topless, but rather serves as a support of the breast, so that the beauty of its form is maintained. In the past, traveling or topless activity on the people of Bali, including the women are common. Nevertheless, in certain situations they often use as a calm tengkuluk kancrik or topless.

Kancrik is a scarf that serves as a cover or saput body, which is sometimes used to hold the load while protecting the face from the sun. Kancrik also used as tengkuluk, namely headgear Balinese woman who also serves as a pedestal penjunjung burden - in addition to its usefulness as a tool to hold the hair to keep it tidy. While the calm is a piece of cloth or kancrik that serves as a cover breasts. Tank top, belt, saput and calm, and tengkuluk to the head of a Balinese woman in everyday clothing. Clothing for men in full is headband, saput and a tank top.

Habits bare-chested on the people of Bali is a tradition that has lasted from generation to generation for hundreds of years. However, although in the past the usual fashion without clothes Bali, the Balinese people familiar with the good habit of wearing clothes. The women often wear kebaya. For a long sleeved kebaya to wrist, they refer to pieces of Java, while the loose sleeves to below the elbow, called the pieces of Bali. Kebaya is usually made from ingredients purchased in the market, although there is also a special menenunnya.

Culture wear this dress to grow and live mostly in communities that have gained influence from the outside. Historically, the Dutch government was the one who introduced it. Similarly in men, the use of clothes starts by ambtenaar, or an employee of the Dutch governance. Cap and shirt jacket commonly used. Batik fabrics as a tank top and headband are complementary.

Non-woven fabric used as part of the Balinese fashion consisting of various kinds. Songket, tinsel, endek, batik and silk are some of them. Geringsing fabric is one renowned for its beauty and uniqueness.

In addition to weaving and yarn spinning process requiring considerable patience and thoroughness, the process of coloring cloth geringsing determine the quality and beauty. Generally geringsing fabric has three basic colors, which is milky white or light yellow, black and red. Based on the color, can be divided into geringsing geringsing Selem (geringsing black) and geringsing barracks (red grimace.) In geringsing Selem red color seen at the end geringsing only. Black and white that appears on this geringsing section, while the red color is not visible. As for the barracks or geringsing geringsingan red, looks three dominant colors, ie yellow, red and black. These colors also appear on the edge of the fabric. In addition to color, fabric geringsing, which has a characteristic feature of this binding double weaving technique, also distinguished by its size. Geringsing with the largest size is called geringsingan perangdasa. Patterns range hiasnya seemed wider, because the binding process that is more lenient. Medium-sized Geringsing called geringsing puppet, while the smaller is geringsingan patlikur. Geringsing belt, loincloth is calm and grimace with the smallest size.

Morif geringsing enough variety. Most of the inspiration derived from the world of flora and fauna. Some motifs are motifs geringsing puppets, puppet princess, lubeng, cecepakan, kebo, patlikur, cemplong, and so forth. Decorative motif fabric of Tenganan Pageringsingan geringsing reveal the influence of decorative elements from foreign cultures, such as India (patola), China, Egypt is assimilated with a strong Hindu influence, but still combined with the cultural values of indigenous Indonesian. Overall, geringsing fabric is the embodiment of Balinese culture that have a high element of artistic beauty and luxury impressed.

During a ceremony such as cutting teeth or marriage, people usually wear traditional Balinese woven fabric as a dress full of material and peperadan songket. For men, clothing consists of Udeng as a headband or headband, saput or kapuh and tank top or Wastra. To hold kapuh, in the end a kind of long piece of cloth tied scarf, called umpal. Umpal geringsing is the most admired. Female wearing a tank top songket, prada belt is twisted from the hips until your chest and songket shawl to cover the body, from shoulders down. behind a tank top, worn a full sheet or sinjang tapih full of ornate silk peperadaan parse out over a tank top. Based on the style used clothing, we can know one's social and economic status.

In the marriage ceremony, the Balinese people recognize the existence of three kinds of fashion and bridal makeup, that is ugly, middle, and primary or also known as payes great. For the makeup of the body and legs, no differences are striking. While the fashion, the difference lies in the materials used. For the primary level, all the clothing made from tinsel.

Jewelry is introduced by a pair of wedding payes agunglah obvious difference with makeup and clothing as well as intermediate level of insult. This level the main jewelry was indeed shows a peculiarity. Pigtail coil, ie additional bun-shaped circular and made of fibers become one differentiator. In mapusungan (bun-making), the use of pigtail coil serves as additional decoration. Coil is usually decorated with flowers, such as ylang, white chrysolite, yellow and rose chrysolite. Meanwhile, for decoration or petitis head, no longer used the flowers of life, but the flowers made of gold.

Complementary petitis namely tajug and other jewelry such as subeng cerorot, kana bracelet for the upper arm and Badong to neck all made of gold bracelets as well as a pair of dragons satru, bebekeng or pending, and the ring.
